Claims - The All Payer Claims Database (APCD)

Maine has collected health insurance claims information in its APCD since 2003. The APCD currently holds claims from commercial insurance carriers, third party administrators (TPAs), pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), dental benefit administrators, MaineCare(Maine Medicaid), and CMS (Medicare).

Health care claims processors must submit periodically (typically monthly) to the MHDO, a completed health care claims data set for all members who are Maine residents. The submissions include files with member eligibility, medical claims, pharmacy claims, and/or dental claims information. Please see Rule Chapter 243 on our Rules and Statutes page for a complete definition of entities that must submit data and of the data that must be submitted.

Available Datasets

Elements available in the various data sets can be found in the APCD Data Dictionary!

In addition you may review the specific set of validations the claims data are measured against before the MHDO accepts into our database.

If you are interested in requesting data, our Request Data or Reports page has all the information you need.

Recent Releases

Note: Release dates of claims data can be found on our Data Release Schedules page.

2024 Q3 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released February 11, 2025. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2024 Q2 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released October 22, 2024, as well as Q4 2023 Medicare data. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2024 Q1 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released July 25, 2024, as well as Medicare Q2-Q3 2023 data. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2023 Q4 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released April 30, 2024, as well as Medicare Q1 2023 data. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2023 Q3 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released January 17, 2024, as well as 2022 Q4 Medicare data. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2023 Q2 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released October 23, 2023, as well as 2022 Q1 – Q3 Medicare data. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2023 Q1 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released July 14, 2023. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2022 Q4 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released April 20, 2023. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2022 Q3 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released January 20, 2023. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2022 Q2 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as 2021 Q3 & Q4 Medicare data were released October 27, 2022. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2022 Q1 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as 2021 Q1 & Q2 Medicare data were released July 28, 2022. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2021 Q4 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released April 12, 2022. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2021 Q3 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as 2020 Q4 Medicare data were released January 21, 2022. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2021 Q2 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data as well as 2020 Q3 Medicare data were released October 18, 2021. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2021 Q1 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data as well as 2020 Q1 & Q2 Medicare data were released July 26, 2021. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2020 Q4 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released April 13, 2021. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2020 Q3 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released January 22, 2021. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2020 Q2 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data as well as 2019 Q3 – Q4 Medicare data were released October 16, 2020. In addition to providing a link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page the documents below were provided to users as part of the release.

2020 Q1 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data as well as 2019 Q1 – Q2 Medicare data were released July 27, 2020. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

Q4 2019 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released May 4, 2020. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

Q3 2019 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released January 17, 2020. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

Q2 2019 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as 2018 Q4 Medicare data were released October 11, 2019. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

Q1 2019 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as Q2 & Q3 2018 Medicare data were released July 26, 2019. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

Q4 2018 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data, as well as Q1 2018 Medicare data were released May 10, 2019. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

APCD Data, Q3 2018 Commercial and MaineCare (Medicaid) data were released January 18, 2019. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

APCD Data, Q2 2018 Commercial and MaineCare as well as Q4 2017 Medicare data were released October 4th. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release. A link to the APCD portion of our FAQ page was also provided.

APCD Data, Q1 2018 Commercial and MaineCare as well as Medicare Q1 through Q3 2017 were released July 27, 2018. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q4 2017 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released April 9, 2018. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q3 2017 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released February 6, 2018. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1-Q2 2017 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) and Medicare Q4 2016 were released October 6, 2017. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1-Q3 2016 Medicare data were released July 7, 2017. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1-Q4 2016 APCD Data (MaineCare Q2-Q4 2016 & Medicare Q3-Q4 2015) were released May 1, 2017. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1 2016 APCD Data (MaineCare and Medicare Q1 & Q2 2015) were released July 8, 2016. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q4 2015 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released April 22, 2016. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q3 2015 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released January 22, 2016. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q2 2015 APCD Data (Commercial, MaineCare and Medicare Q4 2014) were released November 6, 2015. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1 2015 APCD Data (Commercial, MaineCare and Medicare Q1-Q3 2014) were released July 24, 2015. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q4 2014 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released 5/1/15. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q3 2014 APCD Data (Commercial, MaineCare and Medicare Q4 2013) were released 1/16/15. Below are documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q2 2014 APCD Data (Commercial, MaineCare and Medicare Q3 2013) were released 10/24/14. Below are several documents provided to users as part of the release.

Q1 2014 APCD Data (Commercial and MaineCare) were released 8/5/14. As we continue to work on improving our documentation we provided users with several documents as part of the release.

APCD Data were released 7/1/14. This release included Q3 2013 (including the backfill data for previous quarters), Q4 2013, and historical refresh files. The release notes are available for this release as well.